First for buyers and sellers on Atlantic Beach since 1998!
Call the expert – Morris Pieterse – 083 2284081

Want to buy or sell property on Atlantic Beach Estate?

Leadership and extensive experience delivers impeccable results. That’s our most valuable asset.
Our Market Share speaks for itself – having sold more Atlantic Beach properties than all other estate agencies combined.
Property World Atlantic Beach is an estate agency exclusively dedicated to the selling of houses and land at Atlantic Beach Estate and is a branch of the Property World group. Our focus, dedication, expertise and experience produce the best results for sellers and buyers and our independence ensures that we can negotiate to the advantage of our clients.
We are the foremost estate agency in South Africa that specialises in marketing golf estates – having started in 1987 with the appointment to market Selborne Park in Kwazulu Natal, followed by Dainfern Estate in Gauteng where we sold over 2,000 developer and resale properties. In 1995 we launched Steenberg Estate in Cape Town which we sold out in less than 2 years and have been the onsite developer agents for Atlantic Beach since 1998.
We would love to add the sale of your property to our portfolio of well over 4,000 golf estate properties sold in the past 30 years and invite you to contact either of our principals Morris Pieterse or Allen Usher – our advice may be worth a lot more than you can ever imagine.
We also have a strong rental arm that can manage and rent your property.
We work from an on-site office on Atlantic Beach Estate for your convenience.
Office: 021 553 0000. Morris Pieterse: 083 228 4081. Email:
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